Monday, November 19, 2007

Almost Turkey Day!!

Not much going on in the Williford world this week, just getting geared up for our long day of traveling on Thursday! We usually spend half the day in Wilson and then head to Fayetteville for the remainder of the day! It's usually pretty exhausting so I can only imagine how it will be this year having a 5 almost 6 month old. She is still such a prefect baby, still sleeping through the night, and we even survived her first cold, without loosing a WHOLE lot of sleep. It also helped that Chris's mom was here with us! We just got a BUMBO for Anna-Grace and she loves it! It really is helping her with sitting up, and she is turning into such a big girl! It won't be too long and she will be crawling all over the place!

Just wanted to give a quick update on what's going on with us. Keep checking back afeter Thanksgiving for lots of pictures!!

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